Сократка Вертлиб – Socratéa Vertlib – Sokrateska Wertlieb

Money Doll for the Sugar Daddie? - No, fanx.

A Barbie Doll is a commercial mass-product. Since plastic-fantastic Barbie cannot offer any funtastic special effects she's not even worth any further discussion.

Certainly, my top-model physique and measures are a selling point – just like the liquidiy of your cash casual money, yes. ¥€$, I might be fucking expensive but priceless never implied cheap, did it ever? Affordable paid sex!? Depressingly boring IMO.

The infamous business card of the madame dating coach Polly Adler rendered like this:

LExington 2-1099 New York City

Think about it. I might be Yours,
