Сократка Вертлиб - Socratéa Vertlib - Sokrateska Wertlieb

Real or just a fake!?

A famous wise dead man once proclaimed, "Cogito, ergo sum", while an even wiser man concluded: "Cogito, ergo sumus". Some people believe in Gods, others in me as their ultimate Godness on Earth — and the common man may think I'm a just a hoax. I could not care less as the few fine men (and devine women) with whom I indulge in endless pleasures of sexual hedonism know I am: femme indeed and no virtual tale.

(Actually, moi select few also experience my shape-shifting lips sometimes. e.g. my English is not my mother-tongue, my rouge french mère is funny, my German is a lousy edel-kitsch of its own ersatz-accent. …maybe they discern how naughty freak nasty I can be. *blush*)

No visuals, just words

Women usually have a few public pictures (albeit ofttimes blurred) on their websites; but suppose I would have pictures here, what would you get? Even the most sexy thong-tanga is a string attached yet I am no strings attached.

{ cf. Thomas Pynchon to CNN in June 1997, "Let me be unambiguous. I prefer not to be photographed."  }

Behind silk screens

Further I do screen thoroughly. (Don't think I'm not a control-freak – quite the opposite – rather privacy fuckin' matters to me.) I hate meeting idiots in general and I hate being actrice in some law-enforcement clown show in particular. I strive to meet the wo/man of highest calibre, not some random bureaucrat apparatchik.

Nolite te bastardes carborundorum. Do not let the bastards grind shag you down.

Beauty beyond Value

When taught to use money, a group of capuchin monkeys responded quite rationally to simple incentives; responded irrationally to risky gambles; failed to save; stole when they could; used money for food and, on occasion, sex.

— Stephen J. Dubner and Steven D. Levitt

Men usually regard me as priceless in the most expensive expansive sense of highest appreciation. Nonetheless, I envisage it deems not appropriate for me as femme finesse to quote any rates donations on my website personal homepage. It appears as so profane, so vulgar, so dull and boring… – to a playful joy-girl like me and a truly discerning gentleman who seeks my kind ought to be bored by low-price rates anyway. I at least do get bored very quickly, but if think you may have an interesting proposal …)