Сократка Вертлиб - Socratéa Vertlib - Sokrateska Wertlieb

many questions, even some answers

We'll leave nothing to your imagination this time. We tried that last time and in our opinion it didn't work.

Henry Rollins

Are you real?
Occasionally, yes.
You're just a hoax! WTF would belief this half-assed shit? haha…
np. Stop believing in me - if you ever did. Consequently, stop wasting my and your time. (BTW, IMO life is too short for duplicating boring old fictions again, there are just too many artsy-fartsy fake personalities e.g. the quite famous Allegra Coleman, the austro-german polymath Carl Auer, or the very cheap copy-paste duplicate of him alias Georg Thomann, or in the indeed truly well-done Athanasius Bompfünewerer concept. Last but not straight the french formality of logic Nicolas Bourbaki.)
You are still fake because no girl is that smart.
To quote the awesome Jenny Holzer: "Please Change Beliefs". Sukhinder Singh Cassidy, Angelika Langer, Vera Izrailit, Annina Ruest, Joanna Rutkowska, Verena Vanessa Hafner, Jutta Degener, Constanze Kurz, Esther Schneeweisz, Marissa Mayer, Andrea Parker, Susanne Schmidt, Kristal Pollack et al.
I know one ought never ask a lady her age but I still want to know.. how young are you?
Old enough for legal fucking, but young enough to give a fuck about it.
How young are you floored to integer?
*LOL* Srsly, only a complete nerd can ask that weired :–) BTW, a more efficient algorithm (Hint: constraint programming rulz)
Are you Russian, French, Swedish, Austrian, Dutch, etc.?
What makes you think so? – BTW, every nation has some constitutional indoctrination, I suppose. (You may add, and a certain alienation as a general principle of statutory state.)
Do you have any pictures?
Yes, I have some references to modern media art. e.g. Untitled (2003) by Andrea Fraser, VB 47.378.DR (2001) by Vanessa Beecroft, "dialog with Малевич" (1997) by Александр Бренер (Бренер sprayed a green $-sign onto the Suprematisme by Малевич), Untitled from the Survival Series (1986) by Jenny Holzer, Meat Joy (1964) and Eye Body: 36 Transformative Actions (1963) by Carolee Schneemann, etc.
Why care for the depictions of my gorgeous physique, if you could – given mutual compatibility – even meet me?
Wow, now you pseudo-posh €-trash girl ya think ya're exclusive and expensive? c'mon…
Sry, dude I'm neither exclusive nor expensive – I am hideously fuckin' expensive and ultimately invitation only – just like any other decent work-out decadence.
I cannot afford you, any cheaper options?
What services do you offer?
For the total stranger!? Only my homepage. – For an intimate friend thou' …
How can we get get to know each other?
Convice me via email that you are neither spammer, nor cyber-stalker thus actually worth my time and attention.
In case you like me what happens next?
Naturally, something.
Do you have a phone?
Good question. In fact I also don't know this exactly, but every time it rings I'm at least quite certain that I do have a call ATM.